domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Hi There!

Hi! That's the first post in the blog! 

I have created this blog for "practicas de redaccion", one asignature of "Estudios Ingleses" college grade. I've been thinking about the name of the blog, and I decided to name it like a song of a british punk/Oi! band called Blitz, which turns to Post Punk/New Age in 1983.

I really hope all of you enjoy this blog!: ) whatever I only cares about pass the asignature muahahah...

1 comentario:

  1. Hey! Good start! Just a couple of corrections:
    * signature = "firma"
    * subject = "asignatura" (although you can also use the noun "course" in this context)
    * we write "British"

    Apart from that, thank you for writing and sharing that video. I am fond of music too so I will enjoy your texts a lot.
