martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Outline for an essay, thesis statement, supporting ideas and details - Practice 2

(Thesis statement) 
The use of computers for writing exercise or exams is better to students, teachers and even the planet, than do that on paper. There are a lot disadantages in writing on paper. There are a lot of disadvantages in writing on paper, and nowadays I can't understand why are not we doing this kind of exercises with computers.

(Supporting ideas and details)
Better for students:
-Easy to write.
-Easy to edit.
-Bad caligraphy is not possible.

Better for teachers and schools:
-See more clearly on a computer.
-No problems with caligraphy.
-Save money.

Better for environment
-Less pollution by factories who prepare the paper.
-Save more trees.
-Less use of pens and pencils, less pollution on their respective factories.

Finally and for all this reasons the use of computer at classrooms is better than do it on paper and complicated our lives while we keep spending more money and increasing pollution.

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